Don't let your fear or anxieties about dental work interfere with you getting the treatment that you need to maintain or restore your optimal dental health. Our endodontist in Elizabeth NJ is pleased to offer sedation dentistry in order to help you overcome your legitimate concerns and do away with the stress that you would ordinarily associate with coming in to our office. In addition to being beneficial for nervous patients, there are other instances where this can be very helpful, and they include having a lot of dental work done at the same time, or having difficulties remaining still during treatments.
Our endodontist in Elizabeth NJ takes your needs very seriously. Having anxiety about dental work isn't something to dismiss or take lightly. That is why we offer sedation dentistry, including IV sedation. With this method, you can enjoy the advantage of sleeping through the entire process, whether it is root canal therapy or an extraction. When you wake up, you will breathe a sigh of relief because your work will have been completed, and you will have no memory of it whatsoever.
Is sedation dentistry the right choice for everyone? No, of course not. But all you need to do is call us and schedule a consultation. Our endodontist in Elizabeth NJ will take down your medical history as part of the qualification and you can ask any questions that you have. We want you to be completely relaxed and confident that this is the right choice for you before you decide to proceed.
Keep in mind that our endodontist in Elizabeth NJ has extensive training and experience in IV sedation. You are in the best possible care. If you do choose sedation dentistry, it will be necessary for you to make arrangements for your travel to and from our office, since you will not be able to drive yourself home after the procedure. When you do wake from the sedation, you will probably feel groggy. This is completely natural. And when you consider that you can get the dental work that you may have been putting off, there is every reason for you to feel positive about this wonderful option.
By North Brunswick Family Dental & Orthodontics
October 13, 2015